Home fair

The Fair Twin – the Dom and the Ambient Ljubljana – cancelled

We would like to inform you that due tothe pandemic restrictions and the unpredictable situation that threatens to restrict public life, the fair twin have been forced to cancel.


Ambient Ljubljana and Dom Plus Fairs in November

The 31st Ambient Ljubljana and the 5th Dom Plus fair are planned in the usual term i.e. from Wednesday to Sunday, from 10 to 14 November.


The Home Fair and the Ambient Ljubljana Fair – this year – together in September

It is time for new achievements! It is time for a new boost! After careful consideration, we, after a year and a half of the lockdown, have decided to reopen the door for our fairs.


40,000 visitors at the 60th Dom Fair

The jubilee 60th Dom Fair closed its doors yesterday. In five days, the fair attracted 40,000 visitors.


Solar Power Plants: Yes or No?

The Sun sends as much energy to Earth every hour as humanity uses in an entire year.


Measures for a more energy efficient and sustainable home

There are many ways you can make your house more energy efficient and sustainable.


30 years of the Ljubljana furniture fair

The 30th Ambient Ljubljana with building furniture, heating and cooling equipment and prefabricated houses open the doors from Wednesday, the 6th to Sunday the 10th of November.
